终身学习课程 Learning for Life Programme (LLP)
Learning for Life Programme (LLP) and Arts Education Programme
– Enhancing Expression, Creativity and Aesthetics Appreciation (ECAA) through the ARTS
“Arts Education develops students’ character and values, cultivates positive attitudes and self-expression, and strengths essential soft skills which are important 21st Century Competencies (21CC) to help students thrive in the fast-changing world and nurture them to be socially responsible citizens who contribute meaningfully to society.”
ECAA through the ARTS aims to
- Nurture and develop in students an appreciation for the arts and a keen sense of aesthetics
- Expose students to a variety of arts forms progressively, as well as to provide an in-depth experience in the learning of the arts as they advance
- Promote the Arts in our school and the wider community
- Encourage values and character development through aesthetics appreciation; Stretch the potential of talented students by providing students opportunities to hone their talents and skills through partnerships with external organisations/pathfinders
The Learning for Life (LLP) Framework informs the artistic development of our students through the various instructional and student development programmes across all department. The framework and its explanation are given below:
- Arts Literacy, at the core, is the knowledge and understanding required to participate authentically in the arts
- The 2nd inner ring is guided by the social and emotional competencies from 21 CC
- The 3rd ring represents the Learning Domains are categorised by Exposure, Exploration, Experience, Excellence
- The 4th and 5th rings refer to the various arts programmes in the school which are categorised by the three levels of participation, namely Audience, Artist, Advocate
- The outermost ring is NCHS vision – Future-Ready Thinkers, Bicultural Leaders, Caring Citizens
Tier 1
Broad based programmes are for all students
Tier 2
Select programmes for students with greater interest and/ or aptitude